Why are you using armbands

You may come to us from another swim school where they were not using armbands in lessons and this could be for several reasons.  It could be that you were in a Adult & Child class, it could be because the children were in a pool where they could stand up or simply the swim school does not want to use them.

Wearing armbands does not mean your child is not going to learn to swim.  Armbands are used for several reasons and can be the difference between a child hating or loving the water.

We use them for health and safety reasons.  If a swimmer cannot stand due to deep water and cannot swim unaided it is a priority that they remain save in the water at all times during lessons.  We will not compromise on this!

Armbands are a buoyancy aid just like woggles and floats. They are there to help support the body whilst practicing the skills to learn to swim. As the skills improve our instructors will see that it is time to either reduce the air in the bands or reduce the number of rings. They will also give swimmers an opportunity to remove the armbands during lessons to practice skills without them. 

As soon as our instructors are confident that each swimmer can swim competently unaided for 2-3 metres and can treadwater for 5-10 seconds they will inform you that no armbands are required.

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